BEnevolence: Love in Action
At BE Impactful, we believe that community service is more than just giving back; it’s an expression of love in motion. BEnevolence embodies this spirit, turning compassion into action through meaningful service projects that uplift and empower our communities. Whether it's hosting events, supporting local initiatives, or creating opportunities for change, BEnevolence is where we turn the act of BEing into a powerful force for good. Join us and BE the love your community needs.

Casual Crabbing with Tia & SCDNR
Want to give back to your local environment? Join us as we help @scdnr 's SCORE program in building manufactured wired reefs! These will be home to new oysters, and provide habitat for several lowcountry saltwater species. Nature's natural filter also helps protect the shorelines from damage. Pretty cool huh? If you want to get in on the fun, email for more info. We hope to see you soon!

Cuney Homes Food Pantry
You can give donations to the food pantry by emailing You can also drop food items or funds off to the site at 3260 Truxillo St, Houston, TX 77004.

Blodgett Urban Garden
Blodgett Urban Gardens’ purpose is to address, educate, coordinate, and provide aid and relief to eradicate chronic malnutrition and hunger through gardening and other sustainability practices. According to the United States Department of Agriculture food deserts are urban or rural towns without ready access to fresh, health, and affordable food.